Improve Your Meetings


Tired of boring, frustrating and unproductive meetings?

Stop struggling to lead better meetings

Stop letting bad meetings delay your progress 

Start getting better results!


 Lead meetings, workshops and events with skill and confidence! 

Collaborate and make a difference 

Be seen and recognized as a leader 

Advance your career

Engaged business people collaborating around a table


Barb Bickford

I'm Barb Bickford, founder of Improve Your Meetings. 

As a former staff scientist in the public sector, I saw how... 

-- poorly-led meetings led to bored and poor results 
-- fear of conflict kept people from sharing their best ideas, and 
-- top-down decisions were challenged or sabotaged by people who felt left out.

In turn, these meetings...

-- created unnecessary stress
-- strained relationships. and 
-- delayed implementation of our mission. 

To be honest, when I was young, I led some pretty awful meetings and I felt like an imposter as a leader. I knew there had to be a better way, and that drove me to find alternatives.

As I improved my meetings, I gained confidence and was given more responsibility. In time, I grew to be well-known for helping people to work together on challenging and emerging issues.

Now I help people like you transform their meetings and their personal leadership too. 

What the lack of effective collaboration
is doing to your mission, your team and yourself
-- just isn't right!

Are you ready... be seen and respected as a leader? get more done in less time? advance your career? find more purpose in your work? help your team work together better?


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How we help you improve your meetings

Events for Individuals

Our courses, workshops and retreats will support you both as a leader and as a person.
You will learn skills and attitudes that will help you
improve things that are integral to running effective meetings, 

-- Who you are (your values, skills and attitudes)

-- What you're doing (your goals and tasks)

-- How you're doing it (the meeting activities you lead) 

-- Where you are (your context) and

-- Who you're working with (your group).

Want to join a workshop or course?

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Are you interested in particular topics? 
We'll email you when we're offering something related to those topics

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Want to receive tips, stories and resources for improving meetings?

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"Barb brings a unique and effective set of skills and
enthusiasm to any project she tackles.
No matter what the challenge, you can always count on Barb to deliver!"

-- Steve Brachman, waste management specialist,
retired, University of Wisconsin Extension

Barb Bickford in an angel costume, delivering messages   Barb Bickford with a headset on, gesturing with her hand

Photo credits: Darin Harris, Barb Bickford


Consulting Services for Organizations

We also design and lead collaborative and engaging meetings, 
retreats and workshops 
for groups and organizations. 

Want something tailored to a situation or group? 

Learn about custom events

Want to learn more about our consulting services?

Visit Bickford Collaboration